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  1. Ship Survey and Marine Consultants
  2. Survey of L. P. G. and Fuel Oil Tanks

  3. Gas Free Certification

  4. Survey of Machinery in China

  5. Consultants for Industrial Plant Relocation to China

  6. Project Management and Consultant for Projects in China

  7. Industrial Accident Investigation and Damage Survey

  8. Survey of Land Boilers and Pressure Vessels

  9. Survey of Lifting Appliances and Gear

  10. Environmental Protection (Air Pollution & Noise Control etc.)

    1. Noise Control (Air Compressors) Regulations (Cap. 400 sub. leg.C)- 《噪音管制( 空氣) 壓縮機) 規例》(第400章, 附屬法例C)

    2. ​Checklist in Sending Application for Noise Emission Label (申請噪音標籤須知事項)

  11. Design of Pressure Vessels and Lifting Appliances & Gear

    1. Form 3 - Boilers and Pressure vessels Ordinance (Chapter 56) - Application for Registration

    2. Supplementary Action Sheet For Pressure Equipment Registration

    3. Form 3B - Notificatio of Change of Ownership of Registered Boilers and Pressure Vessels

    4. Certificate of Calibration

    5. Recognized Inspection Bodies認可檢驗機構

    6. ​Recognized Engineering Standards and Codes (under Boilers and Pressure Vessels Ordimamce, Cap 56)


    8. BPV 14B 覆 函 鍋 爐 及 壓 力 容 器 條 例 第56章

    9. List of Boiler Inspectors and Air Receiver Inspectors appointed under the Boilers and Pressure Vessels Ordinance, Cap. 56 

    10. Circular No. 1/2018 (Revised) Instructions to Appointed Examiners Pressure unit on the pressure gauge (Revised) - Boilers and Pressure Vessels Regulations

    11. Circular No. 1/2018 Instructions to Appointed Examiners Pressure unit on the pressure gauge - Boilers and Pressure Vessels Regulation (Cap.56A)

    12. Circular No. 2/2018 Instructions to Appointed Examiners Updation of Supplementary Action Sheet for Pressure Equipment Registration

    13. Circular No. 3/2018 Instructions to Appointed Examiners Exemption of PVHO from fusible plug when safety valve not fitted directly on the chamber

    14. Appendix to BPVD Circular 3/2012 Change Number Announcement of BPVD

    15. BPVD Circular 2/2011 Notice to Appointed Examiners Pressure Vessels for Human Occupancy (PVHO)

    16. CAP.56 Boilers and Pressure Vessels - 3. Application

    17. 2020 Annual Meeting with Appointed Examiners

    18. Various Checklist on EPD

  12. Periodic Industrial Safety Inspection

    1. Fees Schedule - Amusement Rides (Safety) Ordinance, Chapter 449 收費表 - 機動遊戲機 (安全) 條例, 第449章

    2. Amusement Rides (Safety) Ordinance, Chapter 449 - List of Surveyors and Qualified Persons

  13. Destructive and Non-Destructive Testing (Destructive Testing up to 250 tonnes)

  14. Wire Rope Splicing and Supply

  15. Instrument Testing and Calibration

  16. On-Site Proof Load Testing to Lifting Appliances and Gear

    1. 石屎靴斗規格

    2. Working Load Limits

    3. Chain Components

    4. Wire Rope Sling- Chart Swl

    5. General Specification for Building Services Installations in Government Buildings of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

    6. Visual Check

    7. electro-hydraulic orange-peel grabs SPD

    8. ​​腳輪載荷行走檢驗報告

  17. Testing Equipment and Standard Weights Hiring

  18. Welding Procedures and Welder Approval Test

  19. Maintenance of Machinery

  20. Contractors and Sale of Machine Tools

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